Who is Unposed for?

If you are a professional photographer or videographer and you shoot weddings, couples and families, UNPOSED is for you.

What is Unposed?

UNPOSED is a collection of prompts and games designed to get your clients to connect and forget about the camera - in return giving you authentic images filled with natural movements, real expressions and genuine emotion. Each set has 40+ prompts that range from silly to sweet giving you and your couples a variety of playful and passionate photos.


As a photographer, shooting kids can be challenging because if you’ve ever spent any time with a child, you know their moods are unpredictable and their attention span is usually that of a gnat. Now combine that with a set of stressed out parents and that’s usually what you’re dealing with during a typical family session…The clock is ticking and patience are running thin.

The Unposed Family Guide helps photographers take control during family sessions by captivating kids and facilitating connection between family members. Imagine photographing a family that’s playing together, laughing together and maybe even discovering new things about each other…Ahh! Doesn’t that sound so much better than wrangling a wild toddler to stand still and “say cheese”?

Parents will love the real smiles and the personality you capture using Unposed, but even more they’ll appreciate the way you bring everyone together to enjoy each other like they probably haven’t done in a while.

Want to see an example?

Try it at your next shoot, and watch the magic happen. You’ll be hooked :)

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Unposed is an actual set of cards that will be mailed to you. No digital copy of the field guide is available at this time.